Responsible for the content of this website in terms of § 5 TMG :
Rechtsanwalt Marc Volino
Hansaring 61
50670 Cologne, Germany
Phone: (02 21) 16 12 587
Fax: (02 21) 16 12 588
E-Mail: office@volino
This disclaimer regulates the use of the internet offer of this site.
Rules of use:
The user has free and unrestricted access to numerous pages, in particular information offers. No responsibility is assumed for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the contents of these freely usable pages. No liability is assumed for results which the user or third parties believe they can achieve on the basis of information on the web pages, nor for information of third parties which is contained on these web pages or accessible via them. No guarantee is given that the contents of these web pages are free of errors and suitable for certain purposes. The information provided may only be retrieved in a manner that does not significantly impair the use of this online service by other visitors.
Copyright rights:
These web pages, their structure and all functionalities, information, data, texts, image and sound materials contained therein as well as all components used for the functionality of these web pages are subject to copyright. The user may use the contents only within the scope of the offered functionalities of the web pages for his personal use and does not acquire any rights to the contents and programs.
It is pointed out that picture and sound material used on these web pages has also been made available by friends and sponsors. Should the rights of third parties be infringed by the use of image and sound material on these web pages, the corresponding material will be deleted immediately after notification.
These web pages may contain links to the web pages of other providers for whose contents no liability is assumed. The establishment of hyperlinks and inline links from other websites to these websites is not prohibited, but it is not permitted to integrate or display the websites belonging to the Internet offering of these sites or their contents in a frame by means of hyperlinks.
As far as legally permissible, any liability for the contents of this Internet offer is excluded; liability for consequential damage or loss of profit is also excluded.
Applicable law:
These conditions are subject to German law.
Severability clause:
Should individual provisions of this disclaimer be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economically intended meaning and purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of an unintentional loophole in the provision.
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